Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wake up your face

Congratulations to Pat the lucky winner of the Grill Charms giveaway. Thanks for your post Pat and thank you for following Spoutin' Out!

Dark circles, puffy eyes and a face full of creases. You know, it usually means one thing, you didn't get enough sleep. But why make your face carry the burden the next day?

Wake up your face! No, not with a double Espresso at Starbucks. Try twenty minutes of exercise in the morning. This will increase blood flow to your face reducing lines and creases. Then apply a thick moisturizer and get in the shower. Heat from the shower will also help plump up fine lines and creases.

If lack of sleep and overwork have left their mark on your eyes, run to the crisper, grab a few slices of cucumber and place them on your eyes. It really does work. No cucumbers in sight? Place a cold, damp, clean washcloth over both eyes and lay back and relax for a few minutes.

Makeup artists will tell you the key to opening up tired eyes is curl those lashes. Even when you don't have the time or energy to put on full makeup, taking a minute or two to curl your lashes and apply mascara will provide an instant eyelift. Curling lashes up and away from the eye allows for more light and enhances eye color naturally. I love my eye lash curler !

This is mine. Check it out!

Gwenn's eyelash curler ~ $1.00

These are theirs ~

Blinc Heated Lash Curler ~ $24.00

TalikaHeated Eyelash Curler ~ $37.00

Spot Lash CurlerFor touchups or extra curl - $700
The Tarte - $15.00

Hey, who knew!?


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

My sister has a heated one from Avon. She loves it.

Karen said...

Okay. I tried the lip gloss from Mary Kay that you told us about a few weeks ago and let me tell you this. I LOVE IT!!! I have used my original chapstick maybe twice a day only because it was close by but other than that I never thought about my lips feeling dry like I used to-every 5 minutes. I am going to order another one so I can have it for my nightstand. So thank you for the info. I really appreciate it! Karen