Sunday, May 31, 2009

Silent Sunday......

....not today.

Since I've been silent for two days, I thought I post today. I can do that right? It's my blog. Wink, wink. However, because I am suppose to be silent, I will be brief.

Most of us understand that using sun block is important and we try our best to avoid letting ourselves and or children get sunburned. Unfortunately, no matter how careful we are there are times we are left with a really bad sunburn or a sunbured child and understanding all of those SPFs can be difficult.

Which is better for your skin type, 70, 80, 100? Does higher mean better? While all of these SPF lotions provide you with some sun screen, a high SPF may also give a false sense of security. Bottom line is if you aren't getting any SPF 80 protection if you arent' using the correct amount of sunscreen. So, before you head out to the great outdoors, be sure you are using at least 1 ounce of sunscreen on your entire body and be sure to reapply that every two hours.

Be sun safe my friends!

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