Thursday, May 14, 2009

I know you all have felt this way

Have you ever had so much to get ready for, that you've forgotten what it is you're even getting ready for?

I've been really scrambling to achieve some sort of balance this week shuffling task A to one side while task B gets done, then task C is there waiting in the wings and breathing down on me like some fire-nosed dragon. And project D? I really, want to tackle it but I've pushed it aside for now.

For a working mom like me, managing work and home is always a challenge. The great thing about work-related tasks is that they're just that, work-related tasks. No one's feelings get hurt if you slam the laptop shut, or accidentally-on-purpose leave your papers at work instead of bringing them home.

My kids on the other hand are a different story. Hannah needs her 'mommy time" and if she doesn't get it, we all suffer. She's been feeling a bit neglected these days and although, I am not sure why, I blame our family schedule. It is nuts. I am sure you all can empathize with that!

Over the next several days, we have lacrosse games, baseball games, soccer games, a cookout, a prom, a wedding and my baby's birthday! He'll be 14! Oh, and did I mention, housework, grocery shopping, wash, weeding, planting, mulching and the pool to be opened?

My oldest daughter still needs to get shoes, makeup, hair thingies, a corsage for her date and oh yeah, a bathing suit for the beach the next day. Do they still really do that?

Then of course the day of the prom (this Saturday), there are rides to be given, limos to meet, photos to be taken, hair to be primped, prayers to be said and a glass of wine to be gulped. That last one is for me of course!

How we mother's do all of this is a mystery to me. One way to get it all done is to be organized and one way to do that is by getting a planner. I found these cute little organizers/planners on by Express Yourself Creations.

This print below is my fave if you should feel like buying me one. Just kidding!


Dawn said...

Thanks for the funny post. I know what you mean about being busy. I checked out the planners over at Express Yourself Creations. They are cute.

I have to get myself an identity, but until then, I am just Dawn.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

So true about "leaving" your papers at work.