Monday, May 18, 2009

A safe night to remember

As students look back on their prom pictures years from now, tucked neatly away in their scrapbooks, school officials and parents want them to recall nothing but fond memories and my daughter will be one of those kids.

In addition to thanking God for bringing them home safely, I am also proud of them for taking responsiblity for their own safety. They rented a limo to take them from picture spot to picture spot, then to the prom (1/2 hour away), then back to the school's awesome 50's themed breakfast and then home again. And, I never needed that wine!

What a wonderful 1st prom experience she had and as promised, here are some pics to prove it! Isn't she beautiful?! And, what a perfect date her boyfriend was. He gets a star from me!

Pics at the house. First stop.

Say cheese! Why cheese anyway?

This is their cool look. I don't think she's doing very well.

Pics at the "Fountain." A traditional photo spot on prom night.

Me, Mike and the Princess.

Putting on the corsage. Dad had to help with this one.

Dad helping.


ohlordyitstori said...

told you it would be safe. lol

Gloria said...

I am so happy that all went well! She looked beautiful! He's cute. So happy that they had a nice time and most importantly, a safe one.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Glad they were safe and smart!

Great pictures.

Heather said...

She looks beautiful!

Amanda said...

LOVE the hair, where did she get it done?

Unknown said...

Tori looks beautiful!! Love the dress!

Karen said...

What a great looking couple! Her hair; and her dress looks awesome. I am glad that she had a good time and a great experience. Hey and her parents look pretty good,too. (P.S. Where'd you get that sweater? Is that mine?)-Karen