Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bad Hair Days

Sure, there are worse things in life, but let's face it, having a bad hair day can make you downright cranky.

Whether you've got the frizzies, fine hair, dry hair, or just haven't had a chance to wash it, when your lovely locks is misbehavin' it can ruin even the best day.

But before you reach for that baseball cap to cover up or the nearest pair of sissors -- there's something you should know.

You can turn bad hair days into stylishly acceptable days, with far less effort than you think.

Looking for extra shine in your hair? After washing and conditioning your hair, rinse with cold water.

Don't want to tear your hair? If your hair is wet, always brush it with a wide-toothed comb. If you use a brush on your wet hair, you can tear it.

How do you protect your hair from the sun? One of the best ways to protect your hair from the sun as well as high winds, big chills and pollution is to wear a hat. Start the trend in your neighborhood.

How do you keep your hair strong and shiny? What you eat is very important to the look of your hair. Protein, such as lean meats, poultry, fish and legumes, will help keep your hair looking its best.

Want your hair to smell extra special? Spray your hairbrush with your perfume and then comb through.

Are you using your hair dryer too much? Blowdrying dries out your hair. When you get the chance, let your hair dry naturally. If you do use a blowdryer, put the setting on medium to cool.
Shopping for a good brush? Choose a natural bristled brush instead of nylon bristles. Nylon bristle brushes can break hair.

Is your hair dry and damaged? Wash it with a shampoo-and-conditioner-in-one and then follow with a regular conditioner.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to know! :)