Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Going Green and Saving Money

Lower the temperature on your hot water heater from 145 degrees, which used to be standard, to 120 degrees. Cunningham swears you won't notice a difference at all, but you will see savings when you get your next bill, by as much as $36 to $61 each year.

Another easy money saver? Wash your clothes in cold water and you'll save about $40 in the fuel that it takes to heat up the water you'd typically wash with. You can save another $34 each year just by cleaning out your dryer's lint trap, which increases the efficiency.

1 comment:

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Hmmm...I don't know about that water heater business..maybe I'll give it a try. But the clothes? We need the hot water to wash those stains out.