Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spoutin' Out Updates

1st - Remember I told you awhile back that I was going to go to a Gold Party? Well, I went last night and had a blast. I dragged my mother with me kickin' and screamin'..not really, but I did really have to push her to give up her old gold jewelry. She had stuff sitting in boxes that she hadn't touch in years!

The whole process was really interesting. We watched at the representative checked the gold with a magnet, tested it with these little things that looked like jumper cables, scratched it, weighed it, separated the gold from the non-gold and finally - wrote us a check! My mother got just over $91.00 and I got just over $167 and two really great glasses of wine! Not bad for a night out with the girls.

I signed up to have a party of my own in May. I am on the fence as to whether I will take the proceeds for myself or host it as a fundraiser for Casey's trip to North Dakota with his wrestling club. I suppose it depends on how well he is doing raising funds on his own by then. If it becomes a fundraiser for him, you can bet he will be there and serving the moms. Soda of course.

2nd update - It seems that the Examiner wants me to keep my blog going. Not only do they support it, but they encourage me to promote it on my/their website. Gee, where am I suppose to get all this time? Three kids doing 5 different sports, a full-time job, a house, bills to pay, a dog get the picture, you've run the drill.

So, buckle up for a bumpy ride and be sure to keep visiting my blog. I can't promise you a smooth trip, but I can promise you an interesting journey. Hey, you've hung around this long.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Best of luck with all your "writings". You do a great job and I read your blog every day.