Wednesday, April 14, 2010

SpoutinOut is not Spoutin anymore...

Everyday someone approaches me to tell me that they've read my blog and that they love it. I didn't realize it, but ~ A LOT of people read my blog. It is such a nice feeling to know that others enjoy it and that I may be making just a little bit of a difference in someone's least entertaining them.

Of course I love to hear that people enjoy reading my blog, but yesterday was different. Yesterday, a friend of mind told me that he too loves to read my blog, but that sometimes, I am boring. Only a true friend, right? Right. Thanks, Jayce. He didn't say that to be mean or hurtful and I did not take it that way.

The truth is, that since my return, I have want to ratch it up a notch or two, but haven't had the guts. I have written post after post, but haven't published them [11 unpublished to date]. Why? Because I am afraid to insult or hurt someone or some group. I am afraid someone at work will read it and my employer will not like what I have posted. I have been reluctant to throw all of my family's dirty laundry on my blog or talk too much about my kids for fear that something I say will get back to them and hurt them.

Sure, I have a point of view and I’m sure sometimes it rankles. But up until now, even those have been safe. If I was to Spoutin' Out, I would be respectful, somewhat. Sitting on the fence all the time is pretty boring for you to read, and me to write. I am not a political or religious blog, so would stay far away from the stuff that I was taught not to talk about at cocktail parties. I struggle with my blog, its posts, its design and mainly, its name, because, Spoutin' Out is not Spoutin' Out about anything anymore.

So, help a girl out would ya? If I am not going to Spoutin' Out, then should I continue with the blog as is? Should I find a different name, theme or mission? I love blogging, because I love writing, but if my blogs are not worth the read, it may be time to find a new venture. Thoughts?


Karen said...

Dear Gwenn, I personally love to read your blogs. I think that your writing is always interesting. I have never thought at any time that any of your blogs were boring. But I don't think that you should hold back when you are writing. This is your blog and you can write what you want to. You have quite a talent for writing and you should continue. I am always interested to see what you write about, so keep on writing!

Anonymous said...

no! dont leave us! I love reading about your thoughts, maybe post one of those "unpublished" writings and just see what the reaction is, if its nothing too horrible then Spout Out!