Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blogging vs. Writing

Sorry that I have been away for so long, but I have some really exciting news! I (my blog) have been recognized by the Examiner.com as a popular “teenblogger” and they have asked me to write for them.

As you know, I have been looking to grow and change my blog beyond its existing presence and am thrilled that it has finally been recognized by a "higher power." You may remember back on April 14th, I wrote to you about wanting to do something different with my blog and although I am not sure this is it, I have to take the chance.

I have spent the last week working with the Examiner.com to provide them with several writing samples that were not so "bloggy." I will miss writing about all the control chaos that goes on in my life, as my writing for the Examiner.com will have to be more informational and less, "according to Gwenn." I am excited about this opportunity and the challenge of a much more formal setting. I think it will be good for me to try something new, afterall, one has to take chances. Although, I will be back occasionally to post on my blog, I wont' be able to write every day.

My page for the Examiner.com has not been set up yet, because I still owe them a few things before I can get started, but I hope it will be by the end of next week and as soon as it is, I will post my link on Spoutin' Out and Facebook.

This is a huge step for me and I hope you will come along for the ride. Who knows?


Monica said...

Can't wait to read your articles!

Gloria said...

I am excited for you and know that you will do a great job! Obviously they recognized a great talent, you! I can't wait to read your new articles. Continued success to you.

Karen said...

OMG that is so exciting!!! I am so happy for you. I know that you will do an awesome job because you have a talent for writing! Congratulations on your new adventure! Sooo exciting!