Sunday, April 18, 2010

Distracted Drivers - No More!

Remember awhile back I posted about a new technology that was going to shut off cell phones in cars? At the time, I had only heard about it, but couldn't find anything concrete about it, until now.

It's call ZoomSafer and it was created to ensure safe and legal use of mobile phones while driving. As a mom of a teen driver, I am especially interested in ZoomSafer. It was designed to prevent the urge to text and use your phone while driving. It locks your keypad to help fight the urge to send that quick text back, and will also even send out an auto-reply for you saying your driving right now and can’t text/email back.

If you really need to check to see if you got a new text, ZoomSafer can read you your texts via computerized and even let you record replies to send back. The teens can still make and receive calls, but they will need to be over a Bluetooth or other hands free device. You are the one who turns ZoomSafer off once you reach your destination, and if you are a passenger in a car and want to use your friend’s phone, you can still exit the app and use the phone and text, IM, email whoever you want and yes, if you’re a driver and want to ignore ZoomSafer, by all means you can do that too.

ZoomSafer is the practical answer to the problem of distracted driving; it activates automatically when you start to drive and applies customizable safe driving policies to help protect you, your teens and everyone else on the road. Click here to check it out.

Safe driving!

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Sounds like a great idea if used.
Safety first, by all means.