Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is your least-favorite body part?

At my son's ball game the other day, a few of us moms were discussing our least fave body part and by an almost unanimous decision (someone said flapping skin under arm ~ who invited her), we agreed that it was belly fat. You know, the unattractive “muffin top” as it is lovingly referred to. It is potentially dangerous and stubbornly tough to get rid of. There is good-new though! The editors of Prevention magazine say they've found the science (MUFAS) that can put an end to belly fat and have written a new book called, “The Flat Belly Diet" to prove it.

What are "MUFAS" and why do they work?

Here is what Prevention had to say: MUFAs" are monounsaturated fats found in oils, such as olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocados, olives, and dark chocolate. The benefits of "MUFAS" were discovered in 2007, when Spanish researchers published a study in the journal "Diabetes Care" that showed that eating a diet rich in MUFAs can help prevent weight gain in a person belly. Researchers looked at three types of diets, one high in saturated fat, another high in carbs, and a third rich in "MUFAS," on patients with "abdominal fat distribution," or belly fat. Only the MUFA diet reduced the accumulation of belly fat, and, more specifically, visceral belly fat.

I too struggle with excessive weight around my waist recently, (remember, I use a hip-T to hide my muffin top) and for the past 2 weeks have tried to lose it, but have been unsuccessful. Everyone says it's my age. I hate that excuse. Hum, nothing to do with the ice cream and cookies I eat an hour before bed? That's cool, because I love ice cream. (wink)

This is not my photo, but if it were, it wouldn't be too far off.

Watch this video from to learn more about MUFAS and losing belly fat.

After watching this video myself, I plan to get the book. I won’t promise you that I will go on the diet, but I do promise you that I will review it further. My initial thoughts are that this won’t work for me, as I hate all the MUFAS they discuss. Yes, even the dark chocolate. However, I suppose if I think of the MUFAS as I do the really nasty cough medicine I have to take to suppress my cough, that I might be able to endure the MUFAS for the sake of losing the weight. Who knows? Maybe this diet will work for me, nothing else seems to be.

I'll get back to you on that one.

1 comment:

Gosfam said...

I read about this in my Prevention Mag, I think it works. I just need to be more diligent, I love avocados and that is my easiest mufa or even nuts. Love the post. I have to say my thighs are my biggest issue, but stomach is a close 2nd :)