Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Great Potato Peeling Tip!

Is anyone out there old enough to remember Dawn Wells? You know, the American actress, who's best known for playing Mary Ann Summers on the sitcom Gilligan's Island from 1964 until 1967. She was the one that always tried to get the professor's attention, but continuously lost out to the glamorous movie star, Ginger Grant, played by Tina Louise.

I used to love that show as a kid and would watch the reruns whenever I could, after all I was just a baby in the 60s. LOL! Anyway, if you haven’t seen her potato peeling video already, you've got to check it out. My mother found it on YouTube and sent it me. Had I only known this trick years ago, my Thanksgiving dinners would have had more potatoes served.

So, if you're reading this mom. You are reading my blog, aren't you mom? Your mom has to at least read your blog, even if no one else is, doesn't she? Thanks for sending this video!

Oh, and if you have other ideas on how to peel a potato, you can enter the Idaho potato contest! The instructions are at the end of the video. Be sure to let me know if you win!


Gloria said...

Gwenn, I am glad that you found the potato peeling video interesting. I did. Of course I read your blog daily! Keep them coming! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea. I think I will enter the contest. Thanks for the video.