Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Success of Saving!

Have you sent in your Olay rebate yet?

I purchased my Olay Quench Lotion yesterday. It killed me to add $7.99 to my already too large grocery order, but I had to do it because it the end it was going to be free, right? Normally, I wouldn't have purchase lotion for $7.99, because I would buy the cheap stuff, but like I said in yesterday's post, we have to use the coupons to save the money and in the end, this lotion will be free and free is the goal.

So, today I printed out my rebate form, attached my receipt with the item circled and sent it off to Olay. Now, I just wait for my refund. Ahhh. The success of my first FREE item! Oh yeah, I also saved $12.78 for my Price Chopper Advantage Savings and another $7.00 in manufacturers coupons for a total of $19.78. Not too shabby for my first week of "couponing!"

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