Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cutting Coupons is a great way to save money

We’ve all read stories about the coupon-savvy woman who can feed a family of five on $100 a month. Right? What is her secret? She cuts coupons.

While I am new to the whole coupon thing, I can't give you many ideas or promise you that you'll be able to do quite that well, but I did find some helpful tips online and thought I'd share them with you, so that maybe we can learn ways to slash dollars from our monthly grocery bill together.

Know when NOT to use coupons. When is a coupon not a good deal? Knowing this can be as helpful to you as the coupon itself. In most cases, the generic version of what you're buying is cheaper than the more expensive counterpart even WITH a coupon. You may be asking yourself, "So why even bother? Why not just purchase generics?" You will need to become coupon-savvy in order to recognize when coupons are a good deal and when they're not.

Coupons work best when they're combined with another deal or are doubled. Some coupon experts say you should carry a small calculator in your purse to help you calculate the price per unit when you're shopping. I don't think I will be doing that, but it does sound like a smart idea.

Combine coupons with in store-sales and two-for-ones. Today I bought two boxes of cereal on sale for 2 for $3. I also used two $1 off coupons I had, saving an additional $2. My cost per box: only 50 cents.

A lot of grocery stores also offer "in store" coupons. Use your own coupons in addition to these to save even more.

Find a store that will double your coupons. If your town doesn't have one, it may be worth a short drive to another town to a store that does. Click here for a state-by-state list of stores that will double your coupons. If making a special trip, be sure to call in advance to see if the store has restrictions on doubling coupons. Some stores will only double coupons under $.50, while others let you go up to $.99. and some only double coupons on certain days of the week.

Buy the smallest size. Most people are under the impression that you will save more by buying in bulk. When using a coupon, this usually isn't true. What you will need to consider is the price per ounce. Guess this is where that calculator that I won't be using, would come in handy.

Trade coupons with friends and online. Start a coupon group with women in your area. Let them know which items you need coupons for; and offer to trade with them. To get started, e-mail 5-10 of your "thrifty" friends to see if they're interested. Have each friend list 10-20 items that she always uses, and print out the lists. Keep the lists handy when you're clipping coupons, and then pass on the coupons to your friends.

Some grocery stores have coupon bins within their store. Look for them near the customer service counter, or in the front of the store. Some libraries also have a coupon swapping bin. If your local library or grocer doesn't, it doesn't hurt to suggest it. Coupons are also now available in-store right next to the products themselves from machines.

Find coupons online. When you think of coupons, chances are you think ~ Sunday paper. With internet all sorts of other kinds of coupons are now available. You can download coupons from your computer and print them out. Click here for a listing on online coupon services. You can even find coupons being sold on eBay.

Organize. Make coupons easy to file and easy to use. Until last week, I had my coupons clumped together in an envelope in my purse. I could never find the coupons when I got up to the counter, or they would ended up expiring. I now try to be more organized by using a coupon holder with tabs. I have it divided by categories such as: canned goods, cleaning products, cereal, baking, dairy, etc. This will be trial and error for awhile until I figure out a system that works best.

Once you’ve mastered the art of cutting and using coupons, you’ll never shop without them. I'm addicted now and even my husband asks about them before heading out. Ah! The smell of success!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I so want to be a good coupon user....but I don't have the patience.

Gloria said...

Good info! Clipping coupons can be a way to save money, but as you said, you have to put some thought into using them.