Thursday, May 6, 2010

We're gonna Zum, Zum, Zumba Zum....

Am I showing my age? Okay, so it's not Zoom, but it is Zumba! I am thinking of signing up to take a Zumba class, you know, in my spare time. Apparently almost 1 million Americans have taken Zumba classes.

Zumba is a popular fitness program inspired by Latin dance. The word "Zumba" (pronounced ZOOM-buh) comes from a Colombian word that means to move fast and have fun, which is just how people describe the routine. Using upbeat Latin music together with cardiovascular exercise, Zumba is aerobic dancing that is lots of fun and easy to learn.

Zumba mixes cardio intervals with resistance training. It also gives you an interval/resistance combination that maximizes caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning. Zumba mixes effective body sculpting movements with easy-to-follow, fun dance steps. People seem to forget about working out during a Zumba session, allowing them to exercise longer, and burn even more calories.

A typical Zumba session lasts about an hour and incorporates several dance styles. The Latin music includes both fast and slow rhythms, allowing for a great cardio workout as well as body sculpting exercises.

Anything that gets you up and moving is a good thing. My friend in the black shirt taped this, but check me out. I am in the bright green shirt in the back. Pretty good, huh!?


Gloria said...

WOW! Looks like it could be fun and a good workout. Well, for the younger crowd, not for me! :)

karen said...

Just the other day I read an article about the founder of Zumba! It was the first time I had heard of it and now I read it here. It sounds like it is really catching on and it does look fun! Great article!