Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Blessings of Life Long Friends

It's been said that people remember the things they want to remember. I suppose to some extent it is quite true. For me that would be my high school years, which most people just want to forget.

Last week, I got together with two of my three best friends from high school. I hadn't see either one of them in over 10 years, but the minute we saw each other, it was like we were back in high school and had never left.

We went to this great little place in Manchester called Corey's Catsup and Mustard and talked for hours. Well, at least until the band came in around 11pm. Years ago we would have moved closer to the front to be sure we weren't missing any of the action. This time however, we moved further away. Further away, as in straight for the back and out the door...right to a 24-hour Dunkin Donuts. How time has changed us.

We again sat for hours talking about life ~ then and now, our families, friends and the death of all of our fathers. We reminisced about how high school was a time of "firsts," for us -first kisses, first loves, first cars, first jobs. It was a time when we reached many important milestone. I suppose this is why the thoughts of high school are still with me long after high school has ended.

We told story after story and laughed into the morning. Most stories were as I remembered, others were not. Some, I didn't remember at all, but apparently was there! We remembered back to a time when we had a bond so strong, that it could not be broken ~ a time of laughter, tears, broken dreams and broken hearts. We were inseparable back then.

As I drove home alone, I felt sad. Sad remembering a time when we were young and had our whole lives ahead of us, a time where we could dare to dream and take chances. A time where we could map out the rest of our lives and start over if it didn't work out.

Our dinner together reminded me of forgotten memories, great friends and a youth I can never get back. As I turned the radio dial, Trace Adkins sang, You're Gonna Miss This.

I already do.


Gloria said...

I'm glad that at least you were able to share an evening with good friends and catch up on events of the past 10 years. It is important to keep in touch with our "old" friends. Do it as often as possible.

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