Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Adult Acne - Some things just never change

Everynight for the past month, I have tried to get rid of my adult acne. Its not bad, just a spot or two or three or four on my chin or temple. I know I am not alone, as 54 percent of women over 25 have some acne, and it's most common in women in their 30s. Hum. Still wondering what my excuse is.

So, I look into the cause of all this adult acne. And, what I found in a word, is stress. Research has shown that our society is more stressed out than ever before, and all that stress causes our adrenal glands to increase production of androgen hormones, which increase oil production, which causes acne. And when we're under long-term stress (which is common in our busy lives), our hormone levels are constantly raised and acne becomes a near-constant problem.

In my case, you know, being a little over 40 and all, my cell-turnover and ability to heal is slower, which means acne can stick around longer than it did when I was a teen. I have been using my teenagers acne products, but nothing seems to be working. I read recently that teens and adults shouldn't share the same acne products. That would have been useful information a few months ago.

Because of the differences in the types of acne, treatment for adult acne needs to be different than teen acne. Also, adults need to be careful not to dry out their skin, since this can cause wrinkles, not something many teens are worried about. Adults with acne should look for products specifically designed for them and look for products with anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants to protect their skin.

I am going to try PERSA-GEL 10 by Clean & Clear to try and get this acne under control, because let's face it, dealing with acne in your teens is one thing, but no one should have to suffer from acne in their 40s, right?

1 comment:

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I might want to give this a try...thanks.