Monday, March 15, 2010

Purging this Spring

How often do you purge your closet? I go through my closet twice a year and always manage to find items that I do not wear, have not worn, and will never wear again. It is amazing since I feel like I never purchase anything new.

If you have a dysfunctional closet and can't ever find anything to wear, you are not alone. On the average people wear only 20% of the clothes they own. Follow a few tips and be on your way to your first step in your Spring cleaning.

Start by pulling everything out. Yes, everything. This is one of the most important step when reorganizing anything. Then separate everything into three different piles:

Keep: You wear it nearly everyday. It fits. It's timeless. (If you're being honest with yourself, this will be roughly only 20% of your closet's contents.

Dump: Anything that is stained, smelly, ripped or stretched-out. You won't clean it. You won't repair it. You will never wear it, and neither will anyone else. Toss it.

Donate: Anything that you haven't worn in a year, is a tired trend or doesn't fit. If you're not sure if it fits or not, try it on. Be honest with yourself. If you're a size 10 and it's a size 6, it's gone.
When you're done sorting, go through your "keep" pile again. Does any of this need to go in the "dump" or "donate" piles? Remember that it's just stuff. You don't need it if you don't use it.
Throw out your "dump" pile, and consider doing one of the following with your "donate" pile:

Sell it: Why not try and make some extra money with those clothes you no longer want, but are still in good condition and in style? Sell your items on eBay or at your local consignment shop.

Donate to Charity: Drop them off at Goodwill, Salvation Army or a local thrift shop.
Host a Clothes Swap: Get new clothes that you'll actually wear for free. Invite your other purge-happy friends over for a clothes swap. Everyone who brings a pile of clothes gets to take from everyone else's stash.

For those items that don't fit into the above categories and will be going back into your closet. Remember, the 20%? Here are a few more tips to keep your closet organized until your next purge:

Place items used most frequently at eye level.

Break alike items down into baskets.

Hang all like clothes together, i.e., skirts in one area, blouses in another.

Put shoes in boxes that are labeled or a rack where they can be easily viewed. Plastic clear bins work best because they allow you to see through.

Feeling empowered? Let's Spring into the spirit with a closet purge.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

My closet is way past needing an over haul! Guess I should try your suggestions!