Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This time you can - Judge a book by its cover

Everyone has read, or at least heard of Twilight, right? But, have you ever wondered what the book cover means and who is holding the apple?

Kimbra Hickey has the answers. How? She's the hand model. "I think that because the story is being told from Bella's perspective they should be her hands. So I think they are Bella's hands and Edward is the "forbidden fruit," Kimbra tells The Twilight Lexicon.

Kimbra says that when she went in for the audition, the photographer looked at her portfolio, filled with pics of hands and feet and then put her in front of the camera and snapped a few shots of her palms and the back of her hands.

Kimbra said that when she was chosen for the job, they asked if she'd be okay with trimming her nails shorter. They told her that the story was a vampire teenage romance and that her hands had to look young. "He wanted my hands to look soft, sweet, and death-like all at the same time!" And just in case you missed it, her arms are folded in that precise position - with the part of my arms forming the perfect V, for vampire. Of course!


Gloria said...


karen said...

That is so interesting! Where do you find this stuff?