Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where Have I Been?

I love fall. It is hands down my favorite season. I love the changing leaves; that cool crisp feeling in the air, as I drink my morning coffee in the warmth of the sun; the first day of school, the start of the kids activities and just the genuine newness of what the season brings.

Unlike most who make their resolutions for the new year, I make mine in September. I vow to get more organized; maintain a better schedule; stay on the kids about their homework and projects; help them set their priorities; set and stick to stricter bedtimes rules; help out more with the PTO and Girl Scouts and the list goes on.

As much as I love summer and the lazy days that it brings, I also welcome autumn with all the gusto it brings. It's not that I haven't found time to blog this summer - I have, it's just that I haven't found time to do anything to actually blog about!

So, as I put the lazy days of summer behind me and focus on a new season, I thought I'd share with you some of what I have been doing instead of blogging.
Kids parasailing in Lake George, NY.

Pretty in Pink this summer at Saratoga.

Hannah swimming in our pool.

Hannah in her 1st performance of Oliver!

Now that summer is winding down, I am sure I will find more things to SpoutOut about, but right now, I have 5 more days to do "nothing."


Monica said...

Well-said Gwenn. Enjoy the remaining summer days and forge straight into autumn!

Gloria said...

Good for enjoy the summer and take it easy. Nice to see you back here and will be checking again in a week or so. Enjoy yourself...and time with the kids. Time goes way too fast!